Thursday, July 17, 2014

The TPT conference

Am I already back from Vegas? This summer is flying by SO fast. We learned a lot at the Teachers Pay Teachers conference and the best thing was getting to hear the stories from the teachers who have had so much success. They are just regular down-to-earth teachers and it is so great to see that teachers can finally make a little (or a lot of) extra money doing what they do best. My to-do list has multiplied greatly after the conference. I'm not sure that I have time to do all of the back-to-school things and have fun in the next month.
 Speaking of having fun, when we weren't at the conference in Vegas, we were having lots of fun. We went to see Carrot Top - haha - yes, hilarious. We also went to see Jersey Boys - great show, talented singers. Then there was the Elvis Hunting ... we were pretty successful at that... it is pretty easy along the strip. So, lots of fun and learning.
This is my good pal Sue and I with two of the Elvi that we found.
Our favorite one was "Big Elvis" (we did not name him that) - such a talented singer - sounded just like Elvis. Plays at Harrahs lounge.
Things I learned about Las Vegas:
1 - Dress cool but bring a jacket - when you are inside, it is freezing.
2 - You never get tired there - they pump oxygen into everywhere - cold oxygen. note: it may take a while to catch up on your sleep when you get home.
3 - If you go - go with fun people. No one wants to hear anyone complaining about the wild partying going on. Um, it's Vegas!
4- Go to some shows - there are zillions to choose from. Last time I was there we went to see Britney Spears. Fun. The best is Carlos Santana for sure!!! If you sit in the last row, there is a really nice bar right behind you with couches.
Goodnight, I am off to bed, still not caught up on sleep I guess. This weekend I am off to Universal Studios in Orlando. I'll give you some Theme Park tips next week. Hopefully one of these days soon we can talk about education :) It won't be summer for much longer.


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