Saturday, August 16, 2014

Meet the Teacher

We had "Meet the Teacher" yesterday so I got to meet my new students. They are so very adorable this year. I decided to have WISE OWLS as my theme this year.

 I always have trouble deciding on what to put on my bulletin board. I put clothespins up so that I can easily change it with student work during the year. The first thing that I will put up is a story that they write about why they are a wise owl. That's the plan anyway.

I bought a cute little owl for each student (I had a gift certificate to Amazon - they have some cute ones at Oriental Trading too) and they absolutely loved them. Each student is to give their little owl a name and I wrote a poem to go with it to put by their bed the night before school starts to help them sleep. I wish that I had one myself to help me sleep Sunday night too.

I can't wait to hear the stories about the little owls' adventures. I am going to have the students write a story about them too. So much fun!

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