Sunday, August 24, 2014

Let's diet tomorrow - maybe!

There are two different types of teachers ... those who spend the summer eating like everyday is a vacation and put on those summer ten pounds ... and those who come back to school all in shape and skinny. Those types say, "I exercised every day and it's so easy to diet when we aren't at school and I'm not tempted by all of the food around school." Puh-leez!

Well, since none of my clothes fit me and I'm trying on everything in my closet to find something to wear to school tomorrow - you can probably guess which type I am. Seriously, an extra seven hours a day for leisure - you have to eat good things at least a few of those hours ... every day ... for two months.

We just finished our first week of school. I was going to diet this week, but then the crazy busy things that we all face the first week happened and I needed lots of chocolate - and comfort food. So, I'll try again this week! I think that the visit with my closet has possibly motivated me a little bit.

Speaking of comfort food, here's the absolute best Mac and Cheese recipe for the crock pot. If you haven't started your school year diet yet, you really must make it.

It's easy.
   1 lb. macaroni (cook following pkg. directions but half the time)
   1 lb. Velveeta cheese, cubed
   8 oz. extra-sharp shredded cheddar
   1 quart milk
   1 stick butter, cut into small chunks
Mix all together in a crockpot. Cover and cook on high for 3 hours, stirring occasionally.

Enjoy, for tomorrow we may diet!!!

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