Wednesday, August 17, 2022

To retire or not to retire ... That is the question!

Everyone always told me that when you are ready to retire - "You will just know". After 30 years of teaching, I kept waiting (for 10 more years) for that moment to come. Each year I wondered if it was the right time. Every year I would wait for that "you will just know" feeling, but it never came. My students needed me. I love my team. I still feel great and have so much more to do. 

So do you leave when things are bad and you are feeling burnt out? I really didn't want to get to that point! Do you leave when your health gets bad and you can't do it anymore? I sure didn't want to get to that point! Do you leave when your students no longer need you? That will never happen.

So, I had to go with a different theory than the "You will just know" theory. I decided to go with the "Just Do it" theory. Put in your years, and just do it while you can leave on a happy note, healthy and able to enjoy life. The kids will ALWAYS need you and there will always be so much more you can do. 

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