Friday, November 7, 2014

The Candy Corn Contest

I just discovered this book this year - The Candy Corn Contest - by Patricia Reilly Giff. The most awesome thing about it is that it motivated my students to read. In the book, a teacher has a jar of candy corn and has a contest to see who can guess the number of candy corn in it. Every time that one of the students reads a page in a book, they can make a guess. I had a contest in my class too after we read the book. I decided that after each chapter of a book they could make a guess. It was amazing to see my little hard workers trying to get their work done so that they could read. Pretty awesome teacher moment. We counted the candy corn and announced the winner on Halloween. Next year I will probably do it the week before Thanksgiving. That is when the book takes place. The students loved it.

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