Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thankful for Learning

This Thanksgiving season has me thinking about how very thankful I am for the many blessings that I have in my life. I have a wonderful, healthy family. I have many great friends. All of my students are adorable and wonderful people. I work in a great school.
I am able to work hard and play hard. On top of all that, even though I am getting "older", I am very thankful for the drive that I have to still learn every day. I am learning how to create good teaching materials, to blog (kind of), to share good thoughts on social media, who knows what will come next. I guess that all teachers think this and that is probably why we are teachers ... but it is so important to keep learning. 
On that note, here's a freebie that I made for my class that I wanted to share with anyone who is teaching cause and effect. I've never tried to put a link on here before so I hope it works. (learning - haha) Happy Thanksgiving!

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