Tuesday, August 23, 2022

What do you remember?

      My memory isn't great - I admit that. It is funny how there are certain things in life you can remember every detail about - where you were, who you were with, how you felt, what was said. I remember the day that JFK was shot - I was sitting in the car with my mom at my sister's school waiting for her to get out of school - my mom was crying - I was pretty little so I didn't totally understand. I remember watching the sad coverage of Martin Luther King's assassination and Nixon's resignation. I remember when Princess Diana died, we had just gotten back from a Gator game and we were all glued to the TV. I remember 9/11 - I was at school when we heard about it and then we watched in horror as the second plane went into the tower. We were all pretty scared.

   I was thinking about the kids today and what they will remember. They will never forget going home from school for Spring Break in 2020 and then not coming back that year, or maybe the next. The masks...the quarantine ... a global pandemic.

   Thinking about the good things that we remember, I also remember watching the Apollo missions. We all sat around the TV in the living room watching as Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. It was so exciting! That's why I am excited about the Artemis Program. It will be the first mission to the moon in 50 years. I hope that the students get excited about it and follow it. We might even get to Mars in their lifetime. I hope that there are a lot more good things for them in their lifetimes. I hope that they find a cure for cancer, I hope that there is world peace, an end to hatred, hunger, poverty, and prejudice - is that too much to ask?

   Anyway, we can start with the Artemis Program. The Artemis I goes up next Monday, August 29th at 8:33 A.M. - don't miss it! 

The Artemis Missions


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

To retire or not to retire ... That is the question!

Everyone always told me that when you are ready to retire - "You will just know". After 30 years of teaching, I kept waiting (for 10 more years) for that moment to come. Each year I wondered if it was the right time. Every year I would wait for that "you will just know" feeling, but it never came. My students needed me. I love my team. I still feel great and have so much more to do. 

So do you leave when things are bad and you are feeling burnt out? I really didn't want to get to that point! Do you leave when your health gets bad and you can't do it anymore? I sure didn't want to get to that point! Do you leave when your students no longer need you? That will never happen.

So, I had to go with a different theory than the "You will just know" theory. I decided to go with the "Just Do it" theory. Put in your years, and just do it while you can leave on a happy note, healthy and able to enjoy life. The kids will ALWAYS need you and there will always be so much more you can do.